Roger Bourdon
Your local NLWWF adviser
My Commitment to you:
• I will try to make Wills and Powers of Attorney etc as understandable for you as possible, by avoiding the use of jargon, and explaining things in plain and simple terms.
• I will only ever recommend a Will, LPA, Trust or Advance Directive to you when I am certain it will benefit you.
• I will only proceed with to take your instructions once we are agreed upon your need, and that you understand the solution and the cost involved.
• I will always encourage you to involve/inform your family, and whenever possible to have family or friend sit in on our meetings.
• If, for whatever reason I do not know the answer to a particular query or problem I will seek an informed opinion before offering a solution.
• In the event your estate has an Inheritance Tax, or other planning need, I will always refer you to an independent expert to obtain the correct advice.
• The cost to you will always be fixed and guaranteed.
• Other than reasons of an application, I will never share, or pass on your personal details to any other organisation or agency.
• To ensure your total peace of mind your New Leaf adviser is fully insured and indemnified.
New Leaf
Making Wills, LPAs, Trusts and Advance Directives understandable and affordable to all
07958 221460
NLWWF advisers are insured under Master Policy PC/00007272/10/C/01
Professional Indemnity Insurance £1million
Copy of insurance certificate is available upon request